Bluebonnets – a Texas Tradition

“Where flowers blossom, so does hope.” ~ Lady Bird Johnson

Spring is just around the corner, and we are all patiently, (or in my case, not so patiently), awaiting her arrival. For Texan’s, the official announcement of spring will be broadcast by the spectacular Bluebonnets adorning our fields and roadsides. We’ve endured a wet winter, which should ensure massive amounts of bluebonnets to enjoy as the sun returns. Many Texas families have made a tradition of taking family pictures amongst the fields of blooms. If you haven’t joined in this fun Texas tradition, it’s never too late to start! 


 Bluebonnet Fun Facts:

In 1901, the bluebonnet was adopted as the state flower. 

In the 1930’s, the Highway Department began planting bluebonnets along state highways.

Texas was the first state in the nation to plant flowers along the highways.

Texas State Wildflower Day is celebrated every April 24.

Bluebonnets peak bloom season actually is May to July

There are actually five species of bluebonnet, and all are accepted as the state flower.


In the 1970’s, Lady Bird Johnson, encouraged all Texans to scatter wildflower seeds along the highways, resulting in the remarkable display of bluebonnets along our roadsides.


This is the year to join in the fun, and document Spring with this longstanding Texas tradition.