
Many of you have probably heard that our twelve year old son, Brock, was hit by a car while walking home from school on Tuesday, March 31st. Kurt & I were at the studio when the accident happened, so the call we received was the most scary, awful thing that has ever happened to us. We rushed to the scene to find our son being loaded into a helicoptor to get to Dallas for immediate attention. Kurt jumped in the helicoptor and had a very traumatic ride. The rest of the story is very happy because Brock is making tremendous progress in his recovery. Our friends and family have been totally amazing and supportive during this ordeal. We had no idea of how many people we have in our lives that really care about us. Kurt says this experience has been the worst and the best of his life. One thing we know……GOD IS GOOD and prayers are answered. We know too that priorities can get a little mixed up and something like this will help shed light on the things in life that really matter. Thanks to everyone who has and is continuing to help our family through this experience. We are so grateful!

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2 Responses to Brock

  1. Marlo Pulliam says:

    I was visiting your site, to make sure I had all the right contact info for a friend, and saw what happened to Brock. I am glad to hear he is doing so well with his recovery. You are all in our prayers!

  2. Linda Smith says:

    Tonight I decided to pop by the site of our favorite photographer just to see what was new. Your pictures continue to astound me. God has given you both a gift. I’m so glad your son is doing well. We will join with the others who are praying for a complete recovery. God is Good. We serve a risen Savior.