Tag Archives: #dreamgift

Case Client Spotlight

The Magic of the Perfect Gift

We all know gift giving can be difficult. It feels more often than not, we resort to “safe” gifts, such as flowers, candles, chocolate, or gift cards. None of which light up our souls the way finding the PERFECT gift, for that precious loved one does. As I get older, the more important giving, and receiving, thoughtful gifts has become. A gift that says, “I pay attention to what you like, I know what you love, because I love you!”

This past holiday, I had the privilege of working with a brother and sister, who had gone above and beyond to present their mother with the PERFECT gift. You see, this family has been clients of our studio since they were children, now they are grown, and both recently graduated college. Both of them are now out in the world, starting their careers, and exciting new chapters of their lives.

Chandler knew his mother cherished their portraits from here, he also knew his mother would absolutely LOVE to have portraits of him and his sister, together, in their college graduation caps and gowns, and in their professional wear. But due to the complexity of life, geography, and schedules not lining up- it was likely his mom was not ever going to get that portrait.

Despite busy work, and holiday scheduling, he and his sister made the time to meet at our studio, and have portraits made for their lovely mother. To her surprise, she was presented with a beautiful collage of images for Christmas, she was in absolute awe of how her children had put such time, energy, and thoughtfulness into the perfect gift for her. This act is something she will never forget!

We at the studio, had the honor of getting to be a part of the perfect gift. Each, and every one of us, was moved by the careful attention that had been paid to every detail of the process. Thank you to the Case family, who re-inspired me to do better when giving, to really step back, pay attention, and give from the heart. Giving the perfect gift spreads magic to everyone who gets to be a part of it. No more holding back, when you give, give fully- make it memorable!