This is Us

Every year around Christmas, we do family portraits to put on our cards. This was a weird year and we waited too long to get our grown kids together, so we did our own thing and had a blast doing it.

We fretted about what to do. It was Tana’s spur of the moment idea to capture our love of golf and photography by doing a nostalgic golf session. Believe it or not, we already had the clothes in our closet to pull this off. We went across the street to the Stonebridge Golf Course at 8:00 AM to pull this off. No one was with us. Armed with a self timer and awareness of what we wanted the results to look like, we embarked upon taking these photos. We had so much fun together and loved the results. Not only did we do our Christmas cards with these photos, we printed a cool portrait and collage for our home so we can enjoy them year round. Here’s to 2023 and teeing up lots more joy! Kurt & Tana

Karsen, Senior 2022

Personality +++++ describes Karsen perfectly! I asked her to tell me about her style and she said, “New York high fashion.” I love it!

Her goal after high school is to become a “Big Hollywood actress.” I can envision it easily. She is charming, kind and ambitious. It was a blast photographing her and seeing the many looks she has.

Her inspirations are Marilyn Monroe, Margot Robbie and Judy Garland. Her favorite movie is “Starwars Empire Strikes Back.” I can see her starring in this type of movie!

Karsen enjoys hanging out with her friends, shopping and riding the jet ski at the lake.

Her sweet side!

We hope your dreams come true!!!!

Hudson, Senior 2021

Meet McKinney Christian senior, Hudson Cross. We have known Hudson since he was a toddler and it was a treat to do his senior portraits. He is the perfect handsome blend of his Mom and Dad and is the youngest of three boys in the Cross family.

Hudson is a one of our SENIOR MODELS this year and he did an absolute great job during his session. He can pull off both the perfect smile and a serious looks alike.

I love Hudson’s style!! He looks awesome in his suit and shoes!!!! WOW!

Hudson loves sports and you can find him playing golf in his spare time. He also loves dogs especially his 13 year old Springer Spaniel, Tex, and his 9 year old Lab. He plans to buy an English Bulldog in the future.

An inspirational scripture that Hudson leans on is, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

When God is for you, who can be against? GO HUDSON!!!

Rebecca, Senior 2021

As you can see, Rebecca has serious style. She loves to dress sporty but she also enjoys a feminine look. Her clothes were so cool and different that it made creating these images tons of fun!

When asked what her favorite part of her senior session was, she responded, “I liked dressing up in all my different outfits and getting to pose dramatically. It was fun seeing Adriatica Village. The scenery was beautiful.”

In her spare time she enjoys watching movies, reading books, listening to music and exercising. She is a member of the cross country team at Wylie High School . She is a self described “romantic” and would love to watch Pride and Prejudice for the first time again! She is academically determined and plans to attend college and major in cognitive neuroscience or behavioral science. Her plans include attending medical school and becoming a surgeon!

Rebecca’s dream is to finish school and move somewhere in Europe. Possibly Portugal because of its beautiful views and beach.

A mantra that Rebecca lives by is a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

No doubt that Rebecca is an inspiration and will do amazing things in her life. We wish her a great senior year and lots of interesting adventures ahead!

We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your senior pics!

John, Senior 2021

John is a McKinney Boyd senior who is strikingly handsome, athletic, a bit shy and funny. He has a sister, Lindsey, and a brother, Austin. In addition, he has a fat black cat named Gus.

After high school John plans to play college baseball while furthering his education. John is inspired by major leaguer Mike Trout. His favorite movie is, of course, Moneyball.

John’s favorite quote is, “If you ain’t first, you’re last.”

We hope the remaining months of John’s senior year are amazing and that the spring baseball season turns out awesome!

Connor, Senior 2021

Doing Connor’s senior portraits was FUN. He is a friendly, laid back, relaxed guy with a great personality and good looks. There were so many amazing pics of him that it was difficult to choose a favorites! They were all SO GOOD!

During Connor’s spare time he enjoys working out, kayaking and hanging out with his friends. His favorite musical artist is DRAKE and his favorite movie of all time is AVENGERS. During the pandemic he has been training to get better both athletically and academically.

Connor’s goals after high school include having a successful career at Princeton and earning his degree. You are awesome, Connor!

This one is our favorite!

Nicole, Senior 2021

Nicole was one of the first of the Class of 2021 that we photographed this year. If the experience for both her and us is any indication of what’s in store for the year, things are going to be absolutely amazing. Nicole seems like an “old soul” with an outgoing, compassionate and tenacious spirit. She was absolutely a delight to work with and we are in love with her casual, beautiful results. Check out a few pics from her session…..

Nicole’s future plans are to attend college, obtain a Master’s in athletic training and Doctorate in physical therapy. Her ultimate goal is to become a trainer/physical therapist in the NFL.

It hasn’t been easy going into a senior year with a pandemic and uncertainty everywhere but Nicole says that the whole experience has “Taught me to look at the positives in a bad situation.”

Good Luck Nicole. You make the future seem as though we are all in good hands!

Senior Model Team 2021!

We are very excited about our SENIOR MODEL TEAM for 2021! Our team represents many different schools around the DFW area. We did our senior model shoot at THE STAR in FRISCO in May. It went well and we got some awesome pics. Our models are currently doing their individual senior photo shoots and we can’t wait to share some of their incredible images. Seriously…these kids are so awesome and photogenic! SENIORS 2021 YOU ROCK! Be sure to subscribe to all of our social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to see more of these models as the year progresses.

Senior Model 2020 – KENZIE

Kenzie has a classy, comfortable style and would be described by friends as loyal, funny, trustworthy and selfless! She has amazing eyes and gorgeous hair not to mention a striking square facial shape. We had a blast photographing her and we are in love with her portraits. She is an expert at both fun, smiling pics as well as dramatic looks. She is a natural!

She has two dogs, Rusty and Ranger and says they have more energy than the rest of her family combined. Kenzie is an artistic soul. She enjoys listening to music, writing, sketching and photography. It sounds as though it is a natural fit for her to study cosmetology after high school!

An inspiration for Kenzie is Alexander Hamilton. She chose him because when no one else believed in him, he believed in himself. He had lots of really tough things happen to him but didn’t let those things define him.

Go Kenzie! You are such an interesting, fun and mature young woman and we know you will soar into the next phase of life!

Senior Model 2020 – SARAH

Sarah is truly a sweet soul! Her grandmother is her inspiration because she is always smiling and making people feel great by giving them compliments. Sarah has learned from her grandmother because she is friendly and helpful. We have been photographing Sarah since she was a small child and it has been awesome to have been a part of her life. In the portrait below, Sarah is holding a pic we did of her when she was little. She has always been beautiful! Her hair is pretty amazing too and it’s fun that she has so many different looks..

Sarah has been a dedicated member of the Tallenettes throughout her high school years in Allen. Her favorite memories include performing in the Showcase and cheering on the football team. Her drill team was awarded “Overall Grand Champions” in competition.

One of her favorite scriptures is Ephesians 2:10

Like many teenagers, Sarah’s favorite thing to do in her spare time is sleep but of course hanging out with her friends is top of the list too. She describes herself as a “child at heart,” and says her favorite movie of all time is THE LION KING.

Next year Sarah will begin a new chapter in her life as she enters college to pursue business or IT. We wish her lots of fun adventures and success in the years to come!