Senior Model – Peyton Harwell

As a seasoned basketball player, it makes sense that his favorite quote is, ” You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Peyton Harwell has been playing on the Varsity basketball team for 3 years at Liberty High School in Frisco.

When it comes to High School traditions, Peyton is a huge fan of Homecoming, and loves the basketball Pep Rallies. So far, his most treasured high school memory is when he got to go to state playoffs for basketball. Doesn’t get much better than that!

When he’s not playing basketball, you will find him playing PS4, hanging out with friends, or indulging in his favorite movies, the Harry Potter series.

Peyton is an outgoing guy, he’s got a unique style and is a lot of fun to be around. Curious about what music gets him pumped for the game? Tee Grizley’s music is his, “go to” playlist

Peyton has his sights on college after high school. Congratulations Peyton! Enjoy your Senior Year!!!

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