Category Archives: family

How to Prepare for an ENJOYABLE Family Portrait Session

People tend to get apprehensive, anxious, even panicked when they decide to schedule a family portrait session. Sadly, many people chose not to document their lives, and milestones, because of the stress they feel it will bring. This is a decision that they will undoubtedly regret, when the kids have grown, and the time has passed.

We are here to tell you that planning, preparing, and the entire portrait experience can actually be enjoyable, and a whole lot of fun. We’ve been in this industry for 25 years now, here are 5 simple tips to take family portraits from stressful to successful!


1. Keep it SIMPLE : Clothing should be simple, no bold patterns or bright colors. Medium tones, such as shades of gray, blue, or beige are great choices. You can add accessories, such as hats, scarves, jackets, or, necklaces to make the wardrobe more unique.


2. Consider your home Decor: Your family portrait is a piece of artwork that you will proudly display in your home. Clothing choices that compliment your style, and color palette are ideal. Will you be hanging this portrait in a room that is formal with ornate decorations? Or will this portrait lovingly adorn the walls of your intimate living room that is very casual? Answering these questions will help you decide how to dress for your portrait.


3. No Coaching: Refrain from trying to prepare the kids with specific instructions for the portrait session. Our experience has taught us that kids who received, ‘smile coaching’ from loving parents prior to the session, don’t do as well as those who just show up, and go with the flow.


4. Give Yourself TIME: Allow plenty of time to prepare on theday of the session. Unnecessary stress prior to the session affects the entire mood of the family, and in turn, the feel of the portrait.

5. Unplug: Leave cell phones and tablets in the car. Sessions are only one hour. It is a great time to connect, reflect, and be present with your family.

Family Portraits can be an exciting, and fun experience. Step back and consider how precious capturing this moment, forever in time, truly is. Choose to make it enjoyable for yourself, and your family. Set the intention when you book to fully enjoy the process of documenting your legacy. That’s a choice you certainly won’t regret.


Business Photos

They say that a good headshot is the new handshake. Think about how much people nowadays are looking at photos….putting a fresh, friendly, professional face out in print and online is VITALLY IMPORTANT to business. What constitutes a great business photo? 1. It reflects your unique brand. 2. It is current – avoid using something that is over 5 years old. 3. It reflects who you are and what you do.. 4. It conveys Quality and Professionalism. 5. It establishes eye contact. Eye contact draws people in and engenders trust. Are you starting to see the importance of your headshot? How do you get a quality headshot? CALL A PROFESSIONAL! It is obvious when someone is using an unprofessional image with poor quality. I recall seeing an ad for a local insurance agent recently that read, “Unsure? Insure! The picture of the agent was completely awful with an expression that portrayed uncertainty. There is no way I would have called this agent for insurance when she looked absolutely unsure and unhappy.0C3A1339crRet-HR







Families, Families and more Families!

I love this time of year because I get a chance to have a glimpse into the lives of so many amazing families. I love watching the interaction amongst family members and creating something they will treasure in the years to come. Besides my studio and garden I have found some awesome places for family pics this year. Hope your family enjoys the season together this year and everyone realizes how important they are to one another!


Casual or Formal

Once upon a time almost every family that showed up to do a family portrait came in their “Sunday best.” Now it seems more families desire a casual look. Both looks can be appropriate and the outcome is usually quite different. If you are questioning what kind of family photo you want, begin by asking yourself some of the following questions……
*How do I tend to decorate my home?
If you have a very casual home, obviously, an outdoor portrait with casual clothing in colors that coordinate with your home is the best look. If you have more formal areas in which you desire your portrait to be hung, an indoor, dressier look may be the best option.
*Does your family regularly dress up?
If not, a formal portrait wouldn’t represent your family very well.
* How old are your children?
If you have kids under the age of 12, you should probably stick to your favorite option (indoors or outdoors) and avoid doing too much with changes of clothing involved.
*Do you take family photos regularly?
If you do not, then you should choose whichever style you like best and suits your lifestyle the most. If you do take lots of family portraits then you can try something different that you normally do just for variety.

The good news is that we can do any style VERY WELL. We offer in studio, studio garden or location!
Bottom line is that your family portrait should represent your family in a true way. Every family is different, so let your portrait reflect who you are!pec1


Family Portraits

Family portraits are most definitely one of my specialties. I have done thousands through the years and have encountered literally all types of situations. Many of the families I do come back annually so I try to create something a little different each year. It seems that MOST families take their photo Oct. – Dec. so this period of time becomes pretty crazy for me. The fun has begun and the images from this season are better than ever! Family

Ballet & Baseball

On Sept. 10th, we will be doing our “Ballet and Baseball” Children’s Theme Day. Whether you have a ball player or a ballerina, we can create something you will treasure! There is no session fee and packages begin at $60. We have antique baseball uniforms available or wear your own. We will provide roses for our ballerinas and they should wear their own tutus. ballet


Days Gone By

One of my friend’s son’s restored this old Chevy after finding it in a ditch. I saw it and knew I had to have it! The color and style of this truck have made it a favorite prop at my studio. It does run, but I rarely crank it up. It is parked in my studio garden and I use it when the situation is right. It works great for kids, families and high school seniors. Every year I offer a special day(s) for portraits with the truck called “Days Gone By.”. This year’s dates are June 18th & 26th for no session fees and special pricing on portraits. oldtruckpinwheel

Family Portraits

A very important part of the creation of a great family photo is the clothing choices that are made by the clients. Below are some of my favorite examples of good combinations of clothing/colors/textures/styles that helped in making these recent photo sessions all successful!